What’s This Mobile Blogging Thing All About Anyway
TypePad’s iPhone optimized website.
Blog It For iPhone.
TypePad Mobile.
And those are all from one company- SixApart.
There are soon going to be a whole lot of ways to blog from your iPhone.
I’m especially looking forward to trying SixApart’s upcoming TypePad Mobile application. The software looks great and promises to make blogging from an iPhone simple.
And it got me thinking- how difficult is it to blog from a device as small as an iPhone? Turns out… its not difficult at all.
In fact, I’m posting this from my iPod Touch and it could not be easier.
And I’m not even on an iPhone/iPod Touch optimized site. This is the plain old Drupal site we are using… just a whole lot smaller. It works nonetheless!
I should note, however, that although I am able to write, edit and post this, the formating is a bit limited. Moreover, because we are not currently using one of the blog editors that are supported by SixApart’s web apps I’m not able to post images.
Here’s hoping someone releases a good iPhone blogging tool for Drupal!