App Update – TwitterFon

On January 14, 2009

"Simple, Clean, and Fast Twitter Cient for iPhone and iPod Touch."

That’s how Twitterfon is described by its developer. And that’s exactly how I see it.

It’s simple; the app helps you with satisfying your basic Twittering needs. It’s clean; the app has a super-easy user interface. It’s fast; the app is very responsive and practically has zero loading time.

And — it’s being improved regularly with updates (at least twice a month, in fact), with the most recent one bringing the following changes:
Added drill down conversation view
Added Favorites tab
Added "Email this link" on Web view
Added direct message detail view
Improved stability with corrupted database
Optimized drawing friends list

Admittedly, it still isn’t the best, most comprehensive Twitter client out there, but hey, who’s complaining? It promises to take care of the bare necessities, and it does so really well AND for absolutely free.

You can get it HERE in the App Store.