Name: Privates!
Version: 1.2
Category: Apps, iPhone Apps
Date: 2016-04-18
Price: free
Our rating:
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Why are your apps still UGLY? “I don’t have cash to spend on hiring a designer.” “If I had some cool templates or themes to work from I’d be all set.” “I don’t want to hire a designer. I’d rather learn to do it myself!” Well good news. It is for these reasons the Mobile […]
AppifyWP, a WordPress theme designed to promote your iPhone, iPad, Android, and Mac apps, has been updated to version 2.0. This update includes many requested features such as multi-platform support, portrait/landcape orientations, and a revamped settings page to quickly configure your site. Check out the demo site and the video to see what’s behind the […]
Lets face it, 80% of the apps out there are garbage. They either don’t solve a problem well, they were poorly built, or just don’t work at all. These apps deserve bad public ratings and don’t belong anywhere on the app store charts. Then there’s the other 20% that are backed by passionate designers and […]
You can have 20 million users download you freemium application, but if only 2 of them spend more than 30 seconds in your app you have a problem! Over the next few weeks we will take the time to review some of the key components of building a successful tutorial for your freemium game and […]
Matt Tubergen heads Recharge Studios, a wholly owned subsidiary of W3i that invests in the development and marketing/distribution of freemium mobile games. W3i is a market leader in distributing and monetizing apps with over 500 million apps distributed for W3i clients. Recharge Studios is actively seeking new investment opportunities, if you have a great idea […]
Ricardo Quesada is the lead developer of cocos2d. Have an OSS project that deserves some attention? We love user contributed articles! Email dan@mobileorchard.com cocos2d is a fast, free, easy to use, community supported 2d game engine for iPhone. Over 550 App Store games have been created with cocos2d, including the best selling StickWars. In addition […]
Developers can share iPhone applications that they’ve created with other iPhone developers without using ad hoc provisioning. Setting this up takes less than 5 minutes. This is one of the method’s I’m considering for distributing CodePromo, my app that makes it easy to generate and share promo codes from the iPhone. This article provides step-by-step […]
CodePromo is an iPhone app that interacts with iTunes Connect to generate promo codes for easy sharing. Motivation You’re chatting with someone. Might be at a bar, conference, or business meeting. You’re talking about your app — paid app to be precise — and decide that you’d like to share a copy of the app […]
Guest author Aaron Kardell runs Performant Design, created the Best App Ever nominated iGarageSale, and will soon launch the MobileRealtyApps.com service for realtors. As described in this article, the iPhone Simulator combined with screen capture software provide an easy way to record a demo video for your app. However, if a key part of your […]
Guest author Robert Strojan (@blackoutrobb) is the founder and lead iPhone app developer at Blackout Labs. He is also a speaker at the 360|iDev Conference in April. In September I wrote a post on iPhoneDevTools.com about opening the Facebook iPhone app from within another app or from the web with the Facebook app’s custom URLs. […]