CHAOS RINGS II – Review – An epic for mobile devices
App Type: Uncategorized

Our rating:
By: Square Enix
Version #: 1.0.0
Date Released: 2012-03-15
Developer: Square Enix
Price: 17.99
User Rating:Yet another masterpiece by Square Enix, the brains behind the critically acclaimed Final Fantasy series of games, Chaos Rings II serve as their latest entry into the mobile gaming fraternity. As I have not played the original Chaos Rings, no comparisons will be made between the two games and this review will be strictly on the title game only.
Of course, given the steep price, the burning question on every mind would be if Chaos Rings II is worth the $17.99. We’ll get to that later.
Storyline wise, as per most games by Square Enix, the plot for Chaos Rings II is somewhat ludicrous and cliché, but yet enthralling at the same time. This, I leave you to unravel for yourself. As far as gameplay is concerned, players will find themselves locked into their task of defeating The Destroyer in this extremely addictive role-playing game.
When it comes to graphics, Square Enix fails to disappoint. Dragons, knights and whatnot are rendered beautifully even for a mobile device. Be it navigating through the in game scenery or fighting scenes during combat, every frame is extremely pleasant to the eyes. Attacks in battles are accented with glittery effects, with each move executed being smooth and not grainy at all.
As for controls, there really is not much to complain about. Movements are controlled via an on-screen joystick, and battles are turn-based much like the Final Fantasy series, simplistic enough for everyone to understand.
The other thing worth mentioning is that games like Chaos Rings II drains your device’s battery really quickly. However, this is no fault of the developer but players should still be careful nonetheless.
Now for the big question: is Chaos Rings II worth $17.99? This is indeed a great game, easily one of the best RPGs in the app store. However, the $17.99 price tag is much of a put off, and similar games are priced at significantly less. On the bright side, it is worth noting that Chaos Rings II has no ridiculous in-app purchases unlike many RPGs, so this might justify the hefty price tag for some. Thus, if you have an extra twenty bucks to spare, this is one game you will want to get.
Quick Take
Would I Buy Again:Yes. But only if I had the spare cash.
Learning Curve:Simple. Complicated as first, but quite easy to handle.
Who Is It For:People who have the extra dough and are willing to splurge on an epic game.
What I Like:Graphics and game play are very well thought out.
What I Don't Like:Drains battery too fast.
Final Statement:Make sure you have a charger near you.
Important Notice: Mar. 19, 2012
When 24-Hour Time (in the Date & Time section of the General tab of Settings) is turned off, opening the menu after startup will cause the application to close automatically.
We apologize for the inconvenience and are working on fixing the bug as soon as possible.
In the meantime, you can play the game by turning 24-Hour Time on.
Would you sacrifice the one you love to save the world?
The newest addition to the globally acclaimed RPG series Chaos Rings has arrived! Explore a captivating new adventure and brand-new game system in this latest installation!
Time is stagnant; the Destroyer has forced the world to the brink of destruction. In this desolate era, Darwin, the chosen one, discovers his fate; he must slaughter the sacrifices and offer their souls, all to salvage the world.
Five were chosen to be sacrificed. Of the five is a girl, Marie—a dear childhood friend.
Will he carry out his fate? The decision lies in your hands.
This exhilarating adventure can be enjoyed by everyone, even those unfamiliar with Chaos Rings and Chaos Rings Omega. Don't hesitate to immerse yourself in this fantastical world!
A storyline molded by the player's choices
Hidden bosses and endings
Enhanced graphics using a new rendering engine
A strategic new battle system
An array of character voices and music
Mission 1: My Fang is All About the Magnum! (Scheduled for April 2012)
Increased dungeon level cap
Increased player level cap
Special quests
Hidden bosses
Mission 2: Give Earthly Desires the Boot! (Scheduled for May 2012)
Increased player level cap
Special quests
Hidden bosses
Article By Eng Wei Jie
A water polo player from Singapore, Wei Jie devotes most of his time to training. However, when he's not occupied by water training or pushing himself in the gym, expect to see him squinting at his iPhone testing out new apps.
eng-wei-jie has written 308 awesome app reviews.