Crowdsurfer – Superbikes: Combining Bike Racing Enthusiasm With Twitter Power
App Type: iPhone

Our rating:
By: We Are Apps
Version #: Beta
Date Released:
Price: 0
User Rating:What do you get when you combine the power of Twitter with the sport of bike racing? You get the Crowdsurfer – Superbikes app which lets people attending the same events comment on their experiences and share them with those who couldn’t come for the day.
Those with the Crowdsurfer – Superbikes app can tweet back and forth with fellow enthusiasts anywhere in the crowd. They simply login into the app and use their GPS functions to locate themselves in the venue. They are then added instantly to any stream or dialogue taking place at that exact location. This app will function with all UK rounds of World Superbikes and the British Superbikes Championships, and will link the race fans, riders and even the teams together in a truly dynamic dialogue. Anyone can enjoy the information, however, because those with the app can still log into the event and join the conversations taking place through the Twitter threads.
There are racing enthusiast apps, and there are Twitter clients, but the Crowdsurfer – Superbikes app pulls them together to create a flawless method for communication. It is among the most unique of apps because it uses an innovative system for bringing people together while seated far from a standard computer or laptop.
This app works with iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch devices.
There is no charge for a download of the Crowdsurfer – Superbikes app, and all updates are free as well.
If you are a racing enthusiast looking to link up with like-minded people at upcoming events, this app will really come in handy.
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