DEAD TRIGGER for Android – Review
App Type: Android

Our rating:
Version #: 1.0
Date Released:
Price: 0.99
User Rating:It’s almost becoming not so surprising any more that the high-end games coming out on smartphones are absolutely blowing me away. On the contrary, I’ve come to expect it after some of the graphical showcases I’ve seen, particularly coming from the stable of games optimised for the Nvidia Tegra 3 processor. Dead Trigger is simply yet another fine example of this recent trend.
As the name suggests, the aim of the game is to blow away hordes of zombies with the meaty arsenal of weapons at your disposal. This is a no-nonsense first-person shooter in which your objectives simply involve going to collect an item, prevent zombies from getting into a place, or simply surviving. It’s not very imaginative, but I’ll be damned if it’s not bloody good fun.
The gameplay is, as you’d expect from a fairly advanced smartphone game, intuitive but fiddly. While spraying bullets into hordes of zombies isn’t complicated, it can be tougher when you’re trying to do more intricate bits of shooting, like blowing up a barrel. If you were brave enough to root your Android and hook up a PS3 controller to it, then you’re guaranteed to have a better time.
This is a stunning-looking game. Right from the first level, where you wade through a flooded corridor with bits of fiery ash floating around, it’s a graphical treat. The zombies look comically menacing, and are subject to realistic physics as you pump them full of lead, and the game generally looks stunning. It could do with more varied environments though.
Some may be put off by the fact that many items and weapons are only accessible if you buy them using ‘Gold’, which you need to purchase separately in the Play Store. This is frustrating, especially as the Assault Rifle you have for the first two levels gets taken away from you, and then you’re forced to pay for it if you want to use it again. The fact that all you can afford after that gun gets taken away from you is a pistol is a bit of a farce.
Dead Trigger is more a graphical showpiece than a deep, well thought-out game. It’s a fairly simple game glossed over by admittedly fantastic graphics. The storyline between the levels is shoddy though (most of it you have to actually READ than watch in cut-scenes), and there’s not much gameplay or level variety. That being said, this remains quite possibly the finest zombie-slaying experience on your Android, and that’s saying something given the vast quantity of competition.
We rate this app 4 out of 5 stars.
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