Etsy for iphone, ipad Review
App Type: iPhone

Our rating:
By: Etsy, Inc.
Version #: 1.0
Date Released:
Developer: By Etsy, Inc.
Price: Free
User Rating:Have you ever been sitting in your house, looking at the decor, and thought,”I think what would really make this living space pop is handmade crocheted uterus on the wall?” Me neither, but I bet at some point you have taken a look at one of the more normal offerings on the site Etsy and wished there was a way to browse the Etsy marketplace on your iPhone without so much zooming in and out. To answer this problem, Etsy has released their native iPhone app that offers a complete interface for browsing and purchasing items from the handmade boutique.
Native apps are a good way for a site to bring users into the service with a connivence of being able to easily show while on the go, and Etsy’s app is no different. The first tab is a featured items page with a nicely designed collage of popular items for sale. You then have the search tab which also allows you to browse the various sections of the site. The item pages are also equally well laid out with good use of white space. You can easily swipe through the photos on the product and tapping on them gives you an enlarged version to see details. Items can be added to the cart and the final two tabs allow you to manage your profile and your cart.
From the social side of things there is a button in the top right of each item page that lets you share the item on Facebook, Twitter, email or even text/imessage. You can also favorite an items or a shop to easily return to it later. The purchasing process if relatively pain free for using Paypal. The Paypal site is worked in seamlessly into the app so you don’t feel like you are jumping to a webpage at all. Feature-wise the Etsy native app replicates all the functions of its already well made mobile site except that the interface items are on the phone already so the interface is a bit more responsive and the data usage is slightly less. The biggest advantage of the native app is that it does provide push notifications when the seller has sent your orders. If you area big Etsy shopper I don’t see any reason why you wouldn’t want to put this app on the iOS device right along with your Amazon, and Ebay apps.
We rate this app 4 out of 5 stars.
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