Fit Brains Trainer Review – Is your brain as fit as your body?
App Type: Uncategorized

Our rating:
By: Vivity Labs
Version #: 1.0
Date Released: 2012-12-12
Developer: Fit Brains Trainer Support
Price: Free
User is a website known for their personalized brain training and with their games being played over 75 million times, no wonder CNN, CBS and Discover Magazine had them featured. The new iOS release Fit Brains Trainer packs up all their goodies into an offline capsule, available for iPhone and iPad.
Like many other similar apps, the idea is to give constant exercise to your brain, with the help of interesting puzzles and games. Start by entering your personal info and you are greeted with the schedule of mental exercises suited for your age and sex. Your initial Brain Index (out of a maximum 1000) is evaluated and the expected increase is provided.
Each Training Session has 3 rounds of different games. A round is a two minute slot and you can complete as many questions as you want, based on your speed and accuracy. When times-up, your score with other stats like number of correct answers, average reaction time, accuracy etc pops up. At the end of the whole session, your increase in brain index, memory & speed are charted and a graphical performance report can also be accessed.. A percentile comparison of brain index, concentration, visual ability, problem solving skills, speed etc with others of the same category is a great feature as they provide the best reference sheet.
The games include counting drops, matching shadows, finding odds, picking bigger change, matching side view with top view, finding the next number in series, memory tests etc. Some of this sounded ridiculously easy to me and actually they were, for the first couple of sessions. But as your training tightens, you’re surely gonna get thirsty.
Unfortunately, all the games aren’t unlocked in the free version but can be subscribed via in-app purchase. These subscriptions can be shared with other iOS devices as well as with the original website and hence, return the best value for your money.
After each days training, you can see how much you are progressing and a projected index for the month is encouraging. Keeping aside the training, if you just want to play a few nerdy games, options are available for that too. I recommend all of you try this app for free and I’m sure the upgrades would be tempting.
Quick Take
Would I Buy Again:Yes, till my score reaches 1000.
Learning Curve:Low. Make sure you go through the HowTo tab and you'll be just fine!
Who Is It For:Anybody who likes his mind to be sharp.
What I Like:The performance reports and estimates.
What I Don't Like:Sharing and comparing with friends is a missing feature.
Final Statement:Regular exercise for your mind.
Fit Brains brings you the easiest and most enjoyable way of keeping your brain sharp in just minutes a day. The Fit Brains Trainer is a scientifically-designed app for iPhone and iPad that provides a collection of fun brain games, personalized training sessions, and visual tools to help you improve your brain's performance. The Trainer utilizes an innovative adaptive learning system that automatically scales the level of each brain game to your appropriate level.
The Fit Brains Trainer is the best mobile brain training program for the iPhone and iPad on the market today!
?Fit Brains is a scientifically-designed brain fitness program developed by Dr. Paul Nussbaum, one of the top clinical neuropychologists in the U.S. with more than 50 peer reviewed publications. Dr. Nussbaum is an Adjunct Professor of Neurological Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
New York Times:?
"There is a gradual growing awareness that challenging your brain can have positive effects," Dr. Cohen said... "Every time you challenge your brain it will actually modify the brain," he said. "We can indeed form new brain cells, despite a century of being told it is impossible."??
Women's Health:
?"I logged on during a break at work and got so hooked I ended up playing their brain games for an hour."
Discover Magazine:
?"What's unique: Complex, richly illustrated and thought out brain games with different levels and storylines. Summed up: Very dynamic."
?"It's a game playing product but the twist here is that all of the games help exercise and train your brain!"??
Fit Brains Trainer includes more than 360 unique training sessions that are designed to enhance your Memory, Processing Speed, Concentration, Problem Solving and Visual skills. Use the Fit Brains Trainer a few minutes daily to improve the performance of your brain.
Our users have reported the following benefits:?
? Improved memory and recall
? Deeper concentration
? Clearer and quicker thinking
? Stronger problem solving skills
? Positive mood changes?
??Start now, and get your brain working at peak performance!
??Track your performance:
The Fit Brains Index measures your cognitive performance across five major brain areas. Compare your results with others in your age and gender demographics to see where you stand.
?More than 360 unique training variations:
?Play a training session daily for best results. Each session has 3 or more games and is designed to improve a variety of brain functions. The Trainer provides several free training sessions to get you started!
Matt. H, 26 years old, San Diego, CA:
"I am absolutely hooked on the Fit Brains Trainer. I am now able to concentrate better and think faster. I was unsure at first but its made a huge difference!"
Cindy. M , 41 years old, Richmond, VA:
"I have definitely seen a big improvement in my memory. The games are a blast and I love the fact that I can see how I am progressing in all areas."?
Article By Roshan
From the first iPod Touch till the new iPad Mini, Roshan has loved each of his iDevices and has been busy tweaking and getting the most out of them. As a Med student from India, he splits his time between studying corpse and writing about his iOS passion. When not on the web, you could find him glued to TV Shows, movies or the bed! Recently, he has taken upon the role of an appreneur and is currently working on a revolutionary new app, Cyan for Facebook.
roshan has written 204 awesome app reviews.