Gangnam DanceBooth Review – Try those moves!
App Type: Uncategorized

Our rating:
By: WiseGecko Inc.
Version #: 1.1.0
Date Released: 2012-12-18
Developer: Gangnam DanceBooth Support
Price: Free
User Rating:With one in every seventh human watching the Gangnam Style video, it wouldn’t have been difficult for developers to think of a related app. Though many apps tried their luck, only few like the Gangnam Dancebooth by WiseGecko Inc. managed to make their mark.
I know all of you have tried those moves in a closed room but this app lets it go public. The name, icon and a couple of screenshots would make clear what the app does.
Take your own picture or choose a photo of your buddy and crop out the head. The rest is done by the 20 megabyte app and within a few seconds, you have your own version of PSY. Choose the best suited costume for the avatar and hit play. Its time to stand back and watch the comedy fiesta as your character hits the floor. The same funny steps and curves for a familiar face and no one could hold their smile.
The copyright claims are cleverly evaded by playing the whole video in the bottom bar. You have the option to record upto one minute of your creation and save it to camera roll or share it via email or to Facebook.
The pay for developers come when you decide to purchase more costumes – $0.99 each or $2.99 for the whole pack. But the best costumes, including a female version, are provided in the lite version itself and most wouldn’t need to spend a penny. So, try out this free entertainment app and be sure to tell us what you think.
Quick Take
Would I Buy Again:Na, the Gangnam effect has now receded
Learning Curve:Low
Who Is It For:Comedy and Prank lovers
What I Like:Dance moves really mimic the original
What I Don't Like:None
Final Statement:Get it, make some videos, show off and delete!
All you need for a Gangnam Style ‘dance party’ of your own, are photos of your desired target, and this fun and easy to use app, Gangnam DanceBooth. As soon as you apply your desired settings, you can watch a hilarious rendition of the Gangnam Style dance, done by someone of your choosing. You can also record their dance as a video, and share them via email and video/social networking sites such as facebook, twitter, youtube etc.
Added extras:
To add to the fun, you have the option of dancing along to any songs on your iPhone/iPad/iPod. Experiment and see what the Gangnam Style dance is like when accompanied by other songs. You also have the option of changing the background. Use any photo of your choosing from your photo library and watch the fun that ensues. What will you choose? A photo of a toilet or your local zoo’s prowling lions?! The possibilities are endless and the results are sure to be hilarious. Give it a go today and have fun!
- Create a character with funny custumes
- Dance along to the Gangnam Style YouTube video
- Choose a song in your song library to dance along to
- Apply the background of your choice by using photos from your photo library
- Save the results to your video library and share via Facebook
- Internet connection is needed (3G, WiFi, or LTE) to stream your youtube video of the Gangnam Style dance
Article By Roshan
From the first iPod Touch till the new iPad Mini, Roshan has loved each of his iDevices and has been busy tweaking and getting the most out of them. As a Med student from India, he splits his time between studying corpse and writing about his iOS passion. When not on the web, you could find him glued to TV Shows, movies or the bed! Recently, he has taken upon the role of an appreneur and is currently working on a revolutionary new app, Cyan for Facebook.
roshan has written 204 awesome app reviews.