Hoops Clipboard for iPad Review
App Type: iPhone

Our rating:
By: Robert Crites, Tom Van Bendegem
Version #: 1.4
Date Released:
Price: 29.99
User Rating:No more fiddling with a whiteboard! No more losing your timetables! Now there’s a very professional way to keep track of your players: it tracks their stats AND it’s a whiteboard, all rolled into one.
Hoops clipboard is an ipad app for the basketball coach that means business. So you can keep track of live game stats, per player, per game, per season, whatever you want. You can save them, mail them to your entire team, put them online if you want. Manage your home and away rosters and easily adapt to changes in the schedule or players that have been injured. Hoops Clipboard includes shot charts for NBA and NCAA court styles. The latest version also includes a note tab, which makes it easy for the coach to jot down thoughts or observations during the game and later on email them to his players.
This app is very easy to use: you can simply draw the gameplay with your finger. Hoops Clipboard will make your life as a coach much easier, as it helps you decide which one of your players is at the top of his game, and decide on the best strategies possible. You can drag and drop your players across the court, which is a very useful aspect, you can have a line by line playback, version 2.1 even lets you pick the frame rate. You can pick 3D icons to be your team and another set to be your opponents, then name your players and even add pics. Now I’m not a basketball coach myself, but I’d say this is a definite slam dunk!
We rate this app 4 out of 5 stars
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