HUDDLE Football Review – Game and News
App Type: Uncategorized

Our rating:
By: The Topps Company, Inc
Version #: 1.0.4
Date Released: 2012-12-11
Developer: The Topps Company, Inc
Price: Free
User Rating:Imagine sitting on the couch watching the latest NFL match while reading up on player trivia and at the same time managing your own legendary team.
It’s hard to draw a line defining what this app is actually about. Categorized under the sports section, one wouldn’t exactly categorize this as a game but that seems to serve as the basis of the app itself. Seemingly an amalgam of football must-haves, Huddle Football is what every sports fan would have dreamed of. A fantasy team management game, social networking, as well as up to date updates of real-world NFL news all rolled into one nifty little package.
Starting off with the game, Huddle Football is pretty much the typical fantasy team management genre. Users collect players and put together their own team. These players are available through packs earned in-game, whereby additional packs can also be bought via in-app purchases. Players then fix up a playing roster, play some matches to accumulate points and work their way up the game hierarchy. Player statistics are also made available with information presented very clearly to help in whatever users may need the information for.
This is where the social networking function of Huddle Football comes in. With integration to networks like Facebook, Huddle Football allows users to compare statistics and even trade players. This adds some element of mutiplayerism into an otherwise perceived to be solo genre.
On the other side of the app lies the news section. Huddle Football successfully merges fantasy with reality when it integrates news from the real-world league into a seamless feed providing users with constant updates on the go. Users are free to view consistently and constantly updated articles regarding the sport in real life.
A free app, this game definitely gets both my thumbs up.
Quick Take
Would I Buy Again:Yes
Learning Curve:Simple
Who Is It For:Football fans
What I Like:The integration of reality and fantasy
What I Don't Like:A few bugs and hitches here and there when interacting with friends
Final Statement:This is one app that will rock your world
The NFL isn’t just a game; it’s a way of life. And Topps HUDDLE is a true test of your gridiron guile. You call yourself a faithful football fan? Align yourself with your favorite team, collect real players, follow the latest news and earn PTS based on the game’s top players. Don’t just watch, compete and conquer.
??? GAME RECAP ???
Football. It's gray skies and sleet. It's the wind they call the Hawk sweeping down from Canada into Buffalo. It's the Lambeau Leap and the glitz of the cathedral in Dallas.
If you're questioning your fortitude already, don't even bother. Just walk away. Back button. If you're still here and think you're made of the tough stuff, Topps HUDDLE is where you'll prove it.
This is not your father’s fantasy football. It’s a triumph for mankind as we enter uncharted football waters. This isn't just skill players and highlight reel touchdowns. It's nose guards, punters and big ugly offensive tackles. That’s right, they’re all in the game.
And we'll be bringing you exclusive coverage of the gargantuan plays of these goliaths of the gridiron in our Topps HUDDLE news center. We’re putting football commentary about your favorite players and teams front and center.
Get to work building a team of your favorite NFL players and score PTS for their achievements. If you know football better than your friends, you'll surely prevail. Check in throughout the week for updates on your roster and your favorite team, and leave a shout to let the competition know just what you plan to do to them on Sunday. And remember, every week counts.
??? X'S and O'S ???
Sign up with Facebook, Twitter, or email. Align with your favorite team and represent them well. And keep it clean: no cameras allowed, Patriots fans.
Open a pack of 11 NFL players. No need to field a full roster, this isn't some rigid make-believe fantasy service. If you decide to go after AFC West tight ends only, then that’ll be your fate.
When your players do well, you'll earn PTS. It’s not brain surgery. Watch your point total rise as you’re watching your favorite players.
Don’t like a player? Want a personal favorite? Fan of Brett Keisel’s beard? Find a friend and trade. Earn points for being a savvy trader with trade bonuses, and if you don’t like the offer, give your trading partner a piece of your mind.
Mr. Popular? Add your friends to your leaderboard and see who's the best. You'll also be representing your team on the teams leaderboard. We'll finally be able to determine who the best fans are once and for all.
??? MORE INFO ???
Who am I? Follow me @toppshuddle to find out. I know a thing or two about a thing or two and am damn good at what I do.
Article By Eng Wei Jie
A water polo player from Singapore, Wei Jie devotes most of his time to training. However, when he's not occupied by water training or pushing himself in the gym, expect to see him squinting at his iPhone testing out new apps.
eng-wei-jie has written 308 awesome app reviews.