Dive Log: A Comprehensive Tool For Managing Your Scuba Adventures
App Type: iPhone

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By: Mobile Software
Version #: 1.2
Date Released:
Price: 9.99
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How much weight did you use for a particular dive? What were the precise GPS coordinates for the site? Which buddies came down with you? The Dive Log app can provide all of these answers and more, and offers an easy to use tool that can retain and retrieve all of the diving details you need.
The Dive Log app can easily serve as your exclusive Scuba logbook or it can be easily integrated with your preferred desktop program as well. A user can easily add full details about every single dive or location and create a separate profile for every dive conducted.
The profile contains the date, time, location, GPS coordinates, length of the dive and all other specifics about it. The app also allows the user to add photos to their logbooks, have their Dive Master sign their logbook through the device, and perform detailed searches for buddies, sites, and more.
There are diving apps such as Dive Buddy and Dive Locator, but the Dive Log is able to convert all details into Universal Dive Computer Format (UDCF) files in order to allow the user to retain logbooks on their desktop and device simultaneously.
This app is compatible with iPod Touch and iPhone devices, and functions with Japanese, German, French, Spanish and English languages. The Dive Log app costs $9.99 and any enhancements are made available free of charge.
If you dive frequently and need a fully functional logbook tool this is the app to download right away.