Live Cams: Access And Control Thousands Of Live Cameras Around The World
App Type: iPhone

Our rating:
By: Barry Egerter
Version #: 3.04
Date Released:
Price: 0.99
User Rating:Armchair travelers, nature enthusiasts, people watchers, and many others will love the Live Cams app. It allows a user to view, and even control, thousands of CCTV and webcams all around the world. Using the app will allow someone to see sites in Europe, Asia and the United States in real time video streams.
When someone uses the Live Cams app they can view up to twelve different cameras at one time thanks to the unique preview screen. Many of the cameras allow the viewer to Pan, Tilt, and Zoom on the scene. The cameras do not simply feed a stream of rapidly updated images, either, and most will stream the video feeds that they are documenting.
The app also allows users to tag their Favorites for easy reviewing; there is an option for saving snapshots to the photo album; and there are even options for Google Map links for many of the cameras too.
There are many webcam and live video apps including iSpy Cameras and OrbLive Free, but Live Cams is the one app with access to the largest array of cameras (currently at around 3,800) and additional features such as image saving to the photo album.
The cost for the app is $0.99, and any updates are made available to buyers at no additional fees. This app is compatible with iPod Touch and iPhone devices.
If you want to check in with your favorite zoo, ski slope, city street, or famous landmark this is the app to download to your mobile device today.
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