Pixelogic for iPad: Pictures, Puzzles, And Logic All In One Place
App Type: iPhone

Our rating:
By: Joel Riley
Version #: 1.0
Date Released:
Price: 4.99
User Rating:If you are a true enthusiast of number puzzles, the Pixelogic for iPad app is a good choice for you. It combines a whole array of elements to create the ultimate in puzzle challenges. It can be seen as part Sudoku, part Mine Sweeper, and part paint by numbers – and loads of fun.
When you add the Pixelogic for iPad to your device, you will be able to enjoy more than one hundred and fifteen different puzzles, along with an additional three hundred daily options too. New puzzles are sent to the app each day, and they all take advantage of the device’s larger screen. Puzzles come in sizes such as five by five, and all of the way up to twenty by twenty. Experienced players can even create their own puzzles and send them to friends via email, or they can even submit them directly to the app designers to be featured as one of the daily puzzles too. An automatic saving feature allows the player to exit any puzzle without losing their work, and a built-in scoreboard keeps track of progress and improved skills.
There are plenty of gaming apps, but the Pixelogic for iPad app is designed to meet a much larger audience thanks to its combination of brain challenges and skill-based fun.
This app works exclusively with iPad devices.
The cost for the app is $4.99, and updates come free of charge.
When you want to challenge yourself and still have a lot of fun, the Pixelogic for iPad app is a good choice to download right away.
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