ProCreative Golf 09: Helps You Swing More Accurately On The Golf Course
App Type: iPhone

Our rating:
By: ProCreative
Version #: 1.1
Date Released:
Price: 14.99
User Rating:Finally there is an iPhone application that really can help you on the golf course. ProCreative have created this great app that helps Golfers improve their game and track their golf scores. This app is great when you want to knock out 18 holes on the course. Perfect for up to four players, this app functions as a scorecard without the tiny little pencils that give you carpal tunnel. You can tag your partner’s photos so they are linked to the score card.
The app uses a user-friendly menu for easy dexterity through the options. The interface is well designed with great graphics and for the more advanced golfers, Procreative Golf 09 can even take into consideration you and your partners’ handicaps.
The highlight of this app that will appeal to all golfers is the simple statistics analysis. The app makes it easy for you to input putts, fairway shots, ups and downs, GIR, penalties, and sand saves. The statistics are tabulated automatically without you having to provide any of the mathematics.
You can browse your past outings and the statistics that were accumulated on previous rounds. A series of graphs can be accessed for a more complete picture of your progress and can affect the way you wish to adjust your strategy for each hole.
The app will provide you with the distance to the green and suggest the appropriate club you might want to use whether it’s a 9 iron or one of your woods. When all is said and done, you can email your stats to yourself for future perusal. This application will be a perfect addition to your golf game.
The Procreative Golf 09 application is available for only $14.99. Serious golf lovers will truly benefit from this great application!
So, if you want to take your golf game to the next level, download your copy of the Procreative Golf 09 application today!
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