Tony Hawk: Trick Tips: Learn Advanced Skating Techniques For Over Fifty Incredible Tricks
App Type: iPhone

Our rating:
By: EpicTilt
Version #: 1.0
Date Released:
Price: 0.99
User Rating:Do you speak Hawkize? If not, you can easily learn to do so through the Tony Hawk: Trick Tips app. This gives amateur and experienced skaters a step by step guide through some of the most popular tricks used in street and competitive skating today. Anyone familiar with the world of extreme skateboarding knows the name Tony Hawk.
Now the Tony Hawk: Trick Tips app gives enthusiasts the opportunity to learn more than fifty of the tricks that have made this master of skating a world-wide celebrity. Along with instructions for performing eight basic flatground tricks, over a dozen advanced flatground tricks, and a large number of ledge and rail tricks, the app also comes with access to news about Tony Hawk and his many activities. There is also access to a specialized video features and a great Skatelocate tool that points out any area skate parks or those in a specific zip code.
There are all kinds of skating apps, but the Tony Hawk: Trick Tips is an exclusive approach to getting complete details about the best approaches to mastering the wildest skating moves being done today.
The Tony Hawk: Trick Tips app functions exclusively with iPod Touch and iPhone devices. The cost for the app is $0.99, and all updates are made available at no additional costs.
If you want to be able to learn the right way to perform the most incredible skateboard moves, and to become a truly advanced skater, this is the app to download today.
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