iMemoPad: Makes Taking Notes And Creating Lists Much More Integrated
App Type: iPhone
Our rating:
By: Staccato
Version #: 1.0
Date Released:
Price: 1.99
User Rating:Admit it, just like everyone else in the world you probably have a handful of random lists, notes, and memos that are scattered on the backs of various envelopes, sticky pages, and even on your computer. With the iMemoPad app, however you can make all of your notes quickly, easily and more detailed than ever.
The iMemoPad app offers an enormous array of tools and options including a handy sync feature with Google Docs. This allows the user to export memos to their online account, or to reverse the flow and import data from the site into the app as well. With the app the individual can attach images, change the fonts and character colors, utilize landscape or portrait mode, and can even manage notes by categories. Need to create a secret set of notes? Maybe you’re buying a gift or arranging a surprise? With this app you can secure individual notes with a custom password too!
While there are other memo and note-making apps, the iMemoPad works to be one of the most integrated and comprehensive options available. It is comparable to PicMemo and NooTodo, and is among the few varieties to integrate with online notes and data sites as well.
The cost for the app is $1.99, and any updates are made available free of charge. The iMemoPad app functions with both the iPod Touch and iPhone devices.
If you are ready to discard all of the paper notes, envelopes and random lists you tote around, this is the app for you to download today.