Tap Tap Revenge 3: One Of The Most Popular Games With Even More Features
App Type: iPhone

Our rating:
By: Tapulous
Version #: 3.0
Date Released:
Price: 0.99
User Rating:Do you play Tap Tap Revenge? This is one of the most popular mobile and online games available, and it has now been released in its latest version – Tap Tap Revenge 3. This takes players to new levels of fun and customization as it adds new graphics, musical options, messaging features, and challenges that can involve friends and multiple gamers.
The game provides users with the opportunity for creating custom avatars that can be improved and altered as higher scores are obtained. To play Tap Tap Revenge 3 a gamer simply taps the colored balls sliding down the screen, and when the required tap coincides with a beat of the selected song the player gets the points. They must also shake their iPod Touch or iPhone device at critical moments as well.
This latest version of the app offers the player choices in the level of difficulty, which varies from easy to extreme, the music track that they will tap in time to, methods for enticing friends to join in a game, and methods for pausing, saving, and resuming play.
The Tap Tap Revenge 3 app operates with iPhone and iPod Touch devices and some users may need to access a 3G network in order for the download to occur.
The cost for the app download is $0.99, and additional music tracks along with their unique themes are available for purchase.
If you want to enjoy the latest version of this wildly popular game, and challenge friends to play as well, then this is the app for you to download today.
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