On This Day: One Way To Make The Standard Wall Calendar Obsolete

On May 3, 2010

App Type: iPhone

On This Day: One Way To Make The Standard Wall Calendar Obsolete

Our rating:

By: Sophiestication Software

Version #: 1.0.1

Date Released:


Price: 0

User Rating:

Want to know what happened on this day a few hundred or a few thousand years earlier? With the On This Day app you can find out everything you want to know with just a tap of the screen. Unlike many websites and page-a-day calendars, the On This Day app allows the individual to select the date themselves, or to simply shake the device to return to the current calendar date.

The app then begins listing things by categories that include events, births, deaths, and more. Many of the items have terms, names, and locations that are highlighted. These can be tapped, and the application will open the links in Safari, or in the Articles app that is included in the download.

There are also some links that take the user directly to the Wikipedia website as well, and here the images and other links can be viewed and used freely too. There are dozens of listings for each day of the year and thousands of listings in the complete calendar.

While there are many informational and reference apps, such as Inquisitor, Mactrack, and Undsoversity, the On This Day app is one geared at giving fans of random information a daily fix along with access to even more details if that is what they desire.

There is no charge for the download of the On This Day app and all updates are made available at no additional costs. This app works with iPod Touch and iPhone devices.

If you want to improve your chances at wining trivia games, or to just take a peek into the past each day of the year, this is definitely a good app for you to acquire.

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