Air Hockey: Play The Popular Arcade Game And Bring Back Memories
App Type: iPhone

Our rating:
By: Accelerato
Version #: 1.1.13
Date Released:
Price: 0.99
User Rating:Remember how many hours you spent at the arcade playing Air Hockey with your best friends? You were amazed by how the little plastic disc would hover over the board, gliding across the table due to the cool mini air jets. Well Acceleroto has taken the classic arcade game and turned it into an award winning iPhone application. The simple concept is almost reminiscent of Pong.
A player simply tries to knock the air hockey puck into their opponent’s goal. The person to score the most points wins. Air Hockey was awarded the Best App ever 2008 trophy for best arcade game. The developers at Acceleroto have constantly tweaked and enhanced the experience to ensure the game runs smoothly. One of the features that has been added to enhance the game mode options is two pucks. If you think you had a difficult time keeping track of only one puck, imagine what will happen when you add a second one.
The user can adjust the color of the table so the one screen never feels stale. The software has you using your fingers to guide the plastic disk by shooting it against the walls for complicated combos. These wall to wall shots will only make you more likely to score a goal.
Whether you want to play against a computer opponent or against one of your best friends, Air Hockey offers it all. Addictive and entertaining you will spend hours honing your Air Hockey skills until your fingers hurt.
The Acceleroto Air Hockey download is available for $0.99.
So, if you are an Air Hockey lover, download your copy today and start playing again!
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