World Cup Ping Pong: Play This Legendary Game And Get The Heart Racing
App Type: iPhone

Our rating:
By: Skyworks Interactive
Version #: 1.1
Date Released:
Price: 0.99
User Rating:Millions of people enjoy playing the fun and exciting game of Ping Pong, but the table takes up so much space and is so awkward to store that many people don’t get to play often. With the World Cup Ping Pong app, however, a gamer can enjoy solo matches or they can even compete against up to eight other opponents anywhere and at anytime. The World Cup Ping Pong app is a graphics heavy game that offers a nice array of features and options.
A player can begin in the practice mode and then transition into the arcade or tournament mode, depending upon their desire for competition. There is also a head to head mode that pits two players against one another in a “live” match as well. The app comes with two distinctive soundtracks and allows the player to select their paddle style and size. Statistics can be viewed in the “local” and the “global” leader boards when a player decides to compete against others, or they can simply track their scores for each solo game.
There are all kinds of interactive games for iPod Touch and iPhone users, but the World Cup Ping Pong game can really get hearts racing. It is appropriate for all levels of players and can really help to improve hand to eye coordination.
It costs $0.99 for this download, and the company is releasing several other games in the near future as well.
If you want to enjoy a game of Ping Pong you will want to give this app a try right away.
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