Trails – GPS Tracker: Record, Export And Import Every Journey You Take
App Type: iPhone

Our rating:
By: Felix Lamouroux
Version #: 2.0
Date Released:
Price: 3.99
User Rating:

Whether you are navigating city streets or hiking along mountain trails you will always need some sort of map or directional device. This the reason that so many people are turning to the Trails – GPS Tracker app. It will record any walking, jogging, hiking or biking trip using GPS technologies and your mobile device, but the program can also allow the user to import or export maps and data to their mobile device as well.
This app imports the tracks and routes from several popular GPS websites in order to allow the user to follow someone else’s posted trip. Alternately, the user can also easily export their personal journeys through the app as well. It is important to note that the Trails – GPS Tracker app is the only program which allows the user to edit their recorded trip or track before exporting it.
The app automatically documents waypoints, allows the user to view their tracks in a road or topographic map view, and can even store maps in the device cache for offline viewing and navigational purposes. Users can record the distance they travelled, the speed they maintained, and even the time of their total journey.
While other navigational apps for iPod Touch and iPhone users provide detailed maps and GPS tracking (such as MobileNavigator and Path Tracker) only the Trails – GPS Tracker allows the user to make changes to their tracks to improve future performance or timing.
The app costs $3.99 to download and is available in a number of different languages.
If you want a highly detailed tracker for your iPod Touch or iPhone, you will want to give this app a try right away.