Synotes: Smarter Note Taking And Syncing Makes Managing Tasks Easy
App Type: iPhone
Our rating:
By: Syncode
Version #: 1.0
Date Released:
Price: 1.99
User Rating:If you are someone who makes lists and takes notes you might find yourself juggling a different set of documents between your mobile device and your computer, but with the Synotes app that can all be changed. It allows someone to make notes on a web interface or their device and automatically sync them when necessary.
When you use the Synotes app it will allow you to access your lists, notes, and memos through a web interface, but you can also use your iPod Touch or iPhone device to add, edit or delete existing notes too. Each note is assigned its own icon to help with quickly identifying the ones you need to work on.
The app also utilizes a smart syncing feature that only syncs between various versions when needed, and does it invisibly to prevent confusion. The user can rearrange their notes, and work with them while offline too. The app then uses conflict management programming to prevent overwriting when two devices disagree with the version to save. The notes can then be ordered by date, icon or the last modification.
Though there are other note making apps, Synotes is one that can really add an effortless method of organization thanks to the smart syncing.
The cost for the app is $1.99 and all updates will come entirely free of charge. This app functions with iPod Touch and iPhone devices.
If you are someone who makes a lot of notes and needs some assistance with keeping them organized, this is the app for you to download right away.