Cowboys 09: Stay In Touch With Your Favorite Team Around The Clock
App Type: iPhone

Our rating:
By: July Systems
Version #: 1.1
Date Released:
Price: 3.99
User Rating:Would you like to know what is happening at the Dallas Cowboys’ Valley Ranch? Maybe you’re interested in what is going in the locker room after the game? With the Cowboys 09 app you can keep in touch with every possible detail on the team and its players. You can also enjoy access to a wide array of alternative information ranging from fantasy football to cheerleader photos.
The Cowboys 09 app delivers an enormous range of information through such sources as social networking sites, blogs, and live news or media feeds. For instance, a user of the app can get live play by play commentary on every game, video footage of all pre and post game interviews with players and coaches, app-only video footage of the coach’s post game locker room comments to the team.
Users can also access information from various sports commentary shows, direct links to the player’s blogs, an exclusive Twitter feed of all media and player tweets relating to the team, access to an enormous library of images and photographs from each of the season’s games, an exclusive fantasy football league and all of its regular stats, and even a complete collection of current cheerleader photographs – including their swimsuit shoots.
There are a few Dallas Cowboys enthusiast or fan apps available, but this is the officially sanctioned app by the team itself and available for the iPod Touch and iPhone.
The cost for the Cowboys 09 app is $3.99, and any upgrades will be made available at no additional costs.
If you love the Dallas Cowboys and want to stay up to the minute on their news and information this is the app for you.
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