FIFA 10: Submerge Yourself In This World-Class Game Of Football
App Type: iPhone

Our rating:
By: Electronic Arts
Version #: 1.0.2
Date Released:
Price: 9.99
User Rating:With 30 leagues, 570 teams, and more than 12,500 real-life players to choose from and compete against, the FIFA 10 app delivers world-class football gaming, and all in 3D. The app allows players a huge amount of flexibility and fun as they pick their teams and players in order to enjoy realistic football action.
With super-easy fingertip controls, the player can choose the speed of the game, perform almost any maneuver, and even do some professional-grade tricks as well. The FIFA 10 app allows players to create their own player or choose from a global roster, they can then choose their view mode and game settings that include a close-up view, real-life audience and fan sound effects, the maneuvers possible, and up to six different camera views.
The graphic quality of all views is true 3D. The player can also opt to go head to head in multiplayer competitions (WiFi access is required for this format) while building their custom player’s statistics. There are other soccer and football games, including Real Soccer 2010, but the FIFA 10 app delivers real-time details about the many leagues and players around the world. It also allows players to create alternative players as well.
This app functions with iPhone and iPod Touch devices, and is compatible with English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish languages.
The cost for the app download is $9.99, and all upgrades and fixes are free of charge.
If you are ready to play world-class football in high-quality 3D graphics, then this is the app for you to try.
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