Minigore: Super Simple Gaming That Is Unbelievably Addictive

On August 30, 2010

App Type: iPhone

Minigore: Super Simple Gaming That Is Unbelievably Addictive

Our rating:

By: Chillingo

Version #: 1.290

Date Released:


Price: 0.99

User Rating:

How easy is it for you to use both sides of your brain? When you play any episode of the Minigore app you are going to quickly find the answer to that question. This is because the controls ask you to use both hands to meet an array of challenges. When you play the Minigore app, you start out as the smallest and least deadly version of the main character.

Your only options are to Move or Fire, and these are controlled by the two touch buttons on the main screen. Soon, however, you will be able to increase your ferocity by gobbling up fire and destroying stronger enemies. You advance through the different layers and enjoy weapon recoil and incredible third generation effects along the way. As your skills improve, the speed and intensity of the battlefield does as well.

Most players get so good at the game that they must eventually work within bullet and shell filled battlefields which are also crammed with furries and enemies. This award-winning game is currently one of the most frequently downloaded all around the world, and once you begin enjoying it you will know exactly why.

The Minigore app is as simple as GodFinger or Harbor Master HD, but it increases in challenges as skills improve. It is also frequently updated with newer and more unique episodes as well.

This app functions with iPad, iPod Touch and iPhone devices. The cost for the app is $0.99, and any updates come entirely free of charge.

When you want to enjoy HD-certified graphics, award winning game play, and one of the most unique ways to use your mobile device, you will want to download the Minigore app right away.

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david-james has written 465 awesome app reviews.