Shakespeare: The Complete Works of Shakespeare Without The Heavy Lifting
App Type: iPhone
The poems and plays of Shakespeare are among the most frequently read texts in the world. Millions of students must study the most famous works and others simply enjoy reading the writings of William Shakespeare over and over again. Unfortunately, the most readily available printed versions of the complete works are hefty volumes that are not easy to carry about for reading whenever the mood strikes.
Fortunately, there is now the Shakespeare app for anyone who wishes to enjoy the famous plays, sonnets, and poems at any time and in any location. This app contains forty of the author’s most famous plays, all one hundred and fifty-four of the beloved sonnets, and six classic poems.
Each comes with fine art accompaniments, and the capability for resizing text and transferring the view from portrait to landscape for maximum reading space. If a reader is simply looking for a good quote, there is a concordance file that can search by term, phrase, or random text as well. This allows a search of the entire collection within a matter of seconds.
Although there are other collected works and volumes for iPhones and iPod Touch devices, including the works of Poe and Dickens, this is a unique version which offers an easy search function and includes the highly unique graphics too.
Even though this app is loaded with text and other features it is entirely free to download.
If you would like to have the works of Shakespeare with you wherever you go you will want to download this app today.
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