Australian Open Tennis Championships 2010: The One Place To Get All Of The Court Side Action
App Type: iPhone
Fans of tennis will appreciate the excellent features and accessibility of the Australian Open Tennis Championships 2010 app. It is a sure way to stay up to the minute on all of the scores, events, and action. The app helps you discover everything about the event and even connects to the Australian Open Twitter page.
When using the Australian Open Tennis Championships 2010 app, the individual will start at the detailed home page that includes tabs for Scores, Schedules, News, Draws, Players, AO Radio, an Event Guide, Maps, Tweets, Photos, IBM & the Australian Open, and Sharing. Clearly such a range of options means that it is a comprehensive tool for tracking and commenting.
The scores are available for completed matches and those in progress, the players’ pages give authoritative biographies and photos, the maps show the full details of the arenas and surrounding areas, and the event guide is updated on a regular basis. With the AO Radio option the player can listen to live streaming coverage, or they can just head to the Draw or News section for results.
There are sporting apps that will give news and some coverage of the Championship, but only the Australian Open Tennis Championships 2010 app provides the kind of direct and exclusive access fans require.
This app is compatible with iPod Touch and iPhone devices. There is no cost for the app, and any updates will be made available at no charge.
If you are a die-hard tennis fan, the Australian Open Tennis Championships 2010 app is one to download and use right away.
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