Consume: The Simplest Way Imaginable To Mind Your Own Behavior
App Type: iPhone
How many accounts do you have that would benefit from a bit of monitoring? For example, you have mobile phone minutes, rewards cards, and a host of different accounts with balances you may need to oversee. The Consume app can track an impressive array of such data from systems all over the world.
Those with the Consume app loaded to their device can do such simple activities as monitoring their cell phone minutes or the number of texts they have sent, but they can also do things like monitor the status of all of the packages they have shipped through the USPS or DHL, they can keep tabs on the number of guest rewards they have earned from Amtrak, or they can easily add account information from more than 200 providers from 18 different countries.
Each account has an individual display screen that tells the numbers of days left in the cycle, the current balance, and gives specifics about the plans or information necessary. For instance, a mobile plan would show the amount of data available, rollovers, mobile to mobile minutes, and the total amount of minutes consumed that month.
There are other billing apps, but the Consume app is unique in that it heavily monitors very specific issues that tend to cause people financial problems because they have no easy way to track expenditures.
This app works with iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch devices and functions with English, Dutch, French, and German languages.
When you want to be sure of balances and available minutes, this is one app to download immediately.
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