PAC-MAN: Bringing Your Childhood Gaming Days Alive On Your Mobile Phone

On July 29, 2009

App Type: iPhone, Windows Mobile

PAC-MAN: Bringing Your Childhood Gaming Days Alive On Your Mobile Phone

Our rating:

By: Namco Networks America

Version #: 1.0.5

Date Released:


Price: 5.99

User Rating:

If you’re like many of the people who grew up in the 1980s, you are definitely aware of PAC-MAN. It was one of the first arcade games to mesmerize us and made our outings with the family that much better. We were also playing it in our homes. Now, you can play PAC-MAN on your iPhone or Windows Mobile enabled phone. Just like the original version, you have to dodge the ghosts, consume them, navigate the maze, eat the dots, and munch on fruits for even more points.

All of the rules are the same and so is the fun. You won’t be able to help not feeling like a kid again as you play. As a matter of fact, everyone should have this app because of the nostalgia it possesses. As for similar applications, you’re definitely not going to find them for the fact that PAC-MAN is the only one. Of course you also have the option to download PAC-MAN Lite and Ms. PAC-Man if you want even more to reflect upon. However, here, you’re dealing with the real deal.

And what’s even better is that you can play PAC-Man on your phone as much as you want when you pay just $5.99 for the download. That figure is most likely dwarfed by all of the quarters you used to throw into the arcade game. As a matter of fact, your parents might be bitter if they found out that a game that wiped out their supply of quarters now costs $5.99.

So go ahead and enjoy this blast from the past by downloading PAC-MAN today.

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david-james has written 465 awesome app reviews.