Jittergram Review – Are you images getting the jitters?
App Type: Uncategorized

Our rating:
By: Friends of The Web, LLC
Version #: 1.1.0
Date Released: 2012-05-19
Developer: Friends of The Web, LLC
Price: Free
User Rating:Jittergram makes it extremely easy to create animated GIFs at the simple touch of a few buttons. However, unlike other GIF making apps like Gifboom, Jittergram focuses on making stereograms.
Jittergram does this by having you take a first image using your device’s camera through the app, then lining up the silhouette of that initial image for you to take a second one. Following which, the app generates a GIF that quickly alternates between the two images thus giving a perception of depth.
The good thing about Jittergram is that everything is made very easy. With no filters or whatever intricate settings available, users do not need to worry about timing frame rates and other things. This makes Jittergram very convenient for use as the app does all the work for you.
However, on the other hand this can be more of a pain as it takes away the ability to customize your images.
The app automatically saves GIFs generated into your device’s camera roll, but they are not animated by default. Only by transferring them onto a computer will you be able to see the actual image in its animated glory.
A free app, Jittergram is quite worth the download.
Quick Take
Would I Buy Again:Yes
Learning Curve:N.A
Who Is It For:People who like making GIFs
What I Like:The simple process in making the GIF
What I Don't Like:The lack of customization options
Final Statement:Overly simple, in my opinion
"[Jittergram] does something new and fun with photos." —The Next Web
Make a 3D sterogram or a long stop motion animation! Then share it with your friends via Twitter or Email, or just save it to your device.
Jittergram makes it easy by showing your previous frame on top of the current camera view so you can line everything up perfectly. It then automatically creates a GIF and makes it super easy to share.
Article By Eng Wei Jie
A water polo player from Singapore, Wei Jie devotes most of his time to training. However, when he's not occupied by water training or pushing himself in the gym, expect to see him squinting at his iPhone testing out new apps.
eng-wei-jie has written 308 awesome app reviews.