Korean Food ma:tt 02 for ipad Review
App Type: iPhone

Our rating:
By: studio meotjit
Version #: 1
Date Released:
Price: 0
User Rating:Did you know koreans eat a lot of fermented foods? I didn’t either, but found out with this iPad magazine-style app. This magazine is stocked with pictures, stories, recipes, videos. It’s hard to tell how awesome it is, but I can give you a hint: it is free.
Navigating through the magazine is straightforward and very intuitive, as every iPad magazine should be (and there are plenty who are not, so this is very welcome). The font rendering is beautiful, as are the pictures. I am writing this just after having dinner… And this app is making my mouth water. I’m not a particular korean food lover, so this is coming as a surprise: the food looks so tasty that I’m tempted to try this at home.
Oh, did I mention it has videos and slideshows for the recipes? No? Well, it does. The app is heavy (at 500mb), and this is the reason: the videos are within the app. No need for wifi or anything, you will be able to view the videos in your parents’ home without Internet and prepare tasty dishes for them without problems. How cool is that?
We rate this app 5 out of 5 stars.
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