LostWinds2: Winter of the Melodias Review – Its so cold in here!
App Type: Uncategorized

Our rating:
By: Frontier Developments Limited
Version #: 1.2
Date Released: 2012-11-14
Developer: LostWinds2: Winter of the Melodias Support
Price: 3.99
User Rating:Like its predecessor, this one also tells the tale of little Toku, making his way through hardships and now, its for his mom. She has disappeared and Toku has taken to himself to bring her back home. In LostWinds2: Winter of the Melodias we see him starting his journey through the mountains, reaching the snow covered region of Summerfall (ironic, isn’t it?).
Not much has changed in the gameplay. Only two controls: a swipe to command the airs, thereby jumping or moving or splashing water or igniting sparks or literally, anything a light wind could do. And the flexible direction controls; either tap screen to move there or the optional joystick. Pinch is another another super power earned. Pinch an area with mud or falling snow and it turns into a rock/ice ball, throw it to break obstacles. Where the term winter in the title becomes important, is that Toku cannot witshstand cold for a long time. So he has to move quickly from one burning torch to another, before he gets a frozen feet.
On the way, you meet with new characters for info on mother and also gain additional powers. Occassional dark creatures appear with tribal music and can break your heart but taking fruits will fix that. If you get caught by the cold or the black bubbles, checkpoints can always help you. Climb ledges, break obstacles and keep warm to reach your destiny.
The animation and sound effects are impressive, while the controls arent. Although a good concept, swiping to blow wind doesnt work as we intend and you often find yourself immobile in the air. Still, for a free game without ads or IAPs LostWinds would top the list. (On second thoughts, thumbs down for the new price of $3.99).
Quick Take
Would I Buy Again:Not at all, it has jumped from free to 4 bucks!
Learning Curve:Medium
Who Is It For:Adventure game lovers
What I Like:The graphics and sound effects
What I Don't Like:Controls aren't that efficient
Final Statement:Too late to get this one!
Switch seasons back and forth between Winter and Summer at will, and use all Enril the Wind Spirit’s awesome new elemental powers - plus those from the first game - to successfully guide and protect the young boy Toku. Evil Balasar has sent a poisonous, powerful adversary and a host of new minions to thwart your ongoing battle to lift his curse and save the enchanting world of Mistralis.
A quest to rescue Toku’s mother, Magdi, becomes a race against time through spectacular and richly interactive new regions of Mistralis. Toku and Enril journey through the picturesque Summerfalls Village – now beset by a sinister eternal winter and living in fear of Snow Monsters - to the frozen mountains of Chilling Peaks and the magnificent, seemingly deserted Melodia City. They come to realize that the shadowy hand of Balasar has entwined Magdi’s immediate fate with the disappearance of the ancient Melodia people centuries ago…
- Harness the brilliance of nature: Sonte, Spirit of Seasons' astonishing powers let you instantly transform Mistralis between Summer and Winter at will to aid your progress
- Frozen Winter ponds and waterfalls become teeming Summer pools in which Toku can dive and unlock secrets
- Form snowballs from the air or manipulate moisture-laden clouds to help with your quest
- Master Enril’s rediscovered incredible cyclone power, using it to transport Toku, smash powerful enemies and even drill through the rock around you
- Expansive new regions of Mistralis provide spectacular arenas for Toku’s jumps and glides
- New enemies and familiar foes to buffet, smash, freeze, burn and douse
- New characters to befriend and puzzles to solve on your adventure to reveal the secret of the Melodias’ disappearance..
- Includes Game Center integration and Achievements
- The ‘Snapshot’ feature lets you add game characters to your own photos and share with friends
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ESRB Rating: EVERYONE with Mild Fantasy Violence.
Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB.
Australian Government Classification Board classification: G
We are collecting statistics to help us target further improvements to our iOS games. This version of the game sends a tiny one-off packet of data to Frontier - an anonymous snapshot of what hardware, iOS version and language settings are in use only. No personal information is ever recorded.
The high resolution images featured on this page were taken from iPhone 4S and the new iPad. The actual image quality this universal app delivers will vary depending on the processing capabilities and screen resolution of the device on which you run the game.
Article By Roshan
From the first iPod Touch till the new iPad Mini, Roshan has loved each of his iDevices and has been busy tweaking and getting the most out of them. As a Med student from India, he splits his time between studying corpse and writing about his iOS passion. When not on the web, you could find him glued to TV Shows, movies or the bed! Recently, he has taken upon the role of an appreneur and is currently working on a revolutionary new app, Cyan for Facebook.
roshan has written 204 awesome app reviews.