Mini Golf MatchUp – Someone should introduce this to Tiger Woods
App Type: Uncategorized

Our rating:
By: Scopely - Top Free Apps and Games LLC
Version #: 1.4
Date Released: 2013-03-04
Developer: Scopely - Top Free Apps and Games LLC
Price: Free
User Rating:Golf was the first sport I ever picked up, and undoubtedly mini-golf was something that further enticed me. As a kid I was often bored to bits honing my skills on the putting green, until one day my father brought me to a mini-golf complex and I was amazed. I mean, compare tapping a ball around a plain green field to a miniature arena filled with fantasy designs, it’s rather obvious how the latter appeals more.
What really drew me to the game wasn’t how the game controls worked or adapted. I mean, it’s your run of the mill drag and release game after all, nothing much to rave about. The key factor of this game lies in the beautiful ‘scenery’ where different holes are aptly designed to fit certain themes.
Did someone say pirate ship?
Yeah, I was lucky (and glad) to have a certain update make it in time prior to downloading the game for this review. The developers had added a pirate themed course and I must say it marks itself as my favorite amongst the rest. Not to say the other themes are sub par though, especially when you have marvels such as octopi creating bridges with their tentacles and whatnot.
I wouldn’t count on expecting realism in this game, after all mini-golf has always marketed itself as some sort of fantasy reality. The game does wonders in that department.
Of course, being a free app to download, there has to be some sort of real world monetary value pinned somewhere. Levels, or themes as I would prefer to cal it, are made available through in-app purchases. That includes the beautiful pirate theme, which I found was very worth the money. Of course, you’ll also have the standard ad remover and coins available for purchase.
Quick Take
Would I Buy Again:Yes
Learning Curve:Easy
Who Is It For:Minigolf fans
What I Like:The various themes are nicely designed and appealing
What I Don't Like:Tons of in-app purchases make the game very expensive overall
Final Statement:Why step out in the hot sun when you can get more on an app?
The #1 game in the US, Canada, and 26 other countries!
Welcome to the most addicting mobile mini golf game in the world. Don’t believe us? Check out these fictitious celebrity endorsements!
“If I owned a smartphone, this is the mini golf game I would play.”
-- Lee Trevino, 6-time PGA major tournament winner
“Mini Golf MatchUp -- when you absolutely, positively have to sink every last putt with style, accept no substitutes.”
-- Samuel L. Jackson, the one and only
? Play against friends and family anywhere in the world
? 5 fun courses, over 70 holes, dozens of crazy obstacles
? Connect with friends from Facebook, Twitter or SMS
? Chat with buddies via in-game messaging
? Simple, drag-and-release gameplay mechanic
? Realistic physics and ball movement
? Unlockable premium courses, with new content coming!
? Play several games at once
? Do overs to help you make par
? Collectible gems to boost your score
Still not convinced? Let’s see what Bill Murray and our other celebrity reviewers might have said about Mini Golf MatchUp!
“When I’m on vacation and I can’t find a golf course that suits me, I turn to Mini Golf MatchUp. I don’t sweat as much, but I have more fun.”
-- Bill Murray, famous caddy and occasional actor
“Two thumbs way up. I laughed, I cried, I shot three under par!”
-- Roger Ebert, film critic
“I’m impressed with smartphone technology.”
-- Thomas Jefferson
Come play the game that Tiger Woods may or may not use while training for his tournaments, and find out what mini golf fun is all about!
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Note: All celebrity endorsements are fictitious, though we’re 99.99% positive these people would love Mini Golf MatchUp.
Article By Eng Wei Jie
A water polo player from Singapore, Wei Jie devotes most of his time to training. However, when he's not occupied by water training or pushing himself in the gym, expect to see him squinting at his iPhone testing out new apps.
eng-wei-jie has written 308 awesome app reviews.