Ms. Splosion Man Review – Super Flashy Sass Straight from the Console
App Type: Uncategorized

Our rating:
By: Microsoft
Version #: 1.0.1
Date Released: 2013-08-01
Developer: Microsoft Corporation
Price: 2.99
User Rating:Xbox Live games have been pouring over into the iOS space for a while now and once of those games that comes from the indie game haven is Ms. Splosion Man. This hit from 2011 is a sequel to the lauded Splosion Man, also on the Xbox Live. If you are familiar with either game you will likely be interested in the mobile aspects of playing this game on your iPhone. The question is if the smaller screen can pack just as much fun, or will this game bomb on the App Store.
Ms. Splosion Man, when not making my autocorrect go crazy, is a fast paced platformer along the same vein as Sonic the Hedgehog where keeping yourself moving is key to making it through the levels. Ms. Splosion Man does take it up a notch, not only with the sassy banter from the protagonist, but also from the changes of perspective and environment that keep you on your toes at all times.
The controls for the game are simple, but can be a bit finicky at times, especially on the smaller screen. iPhone 4 users should also be aware that the game will not look nearly as good as the graphics quality has been reduced. Thankfully this has the benefit of improving the games performance on these aging devices.
With fifty levels to complete and multiple goals to master in each level there is plenty of content to keep you busy. The Mario-esque over world does allow you to skip around a bit, and there is an IAP mechanism to allow you to open new levels early.
Ms. Splosion Man is definitely an example of a well ported console game, and with only a few issues, I found he gameplay to be fun and exciting. It still doesn’t feel like a mobile game and I think part of that comes from the density of the screen. SPeaking from an iPhone perspective, it felt like there was too much going on for such a small screen which also may be related to the controls. If you like a little chaos in your game then your milage may vary. All in all, Ms. Splosion Man was a decent game that offers quite a bit for $2.99.
Quick Take
Would I Buy Again:Perhaps
Learning Curve:Moderate
Who Is It For:Fans of face paced platformsers like Sonic the Hedgehog
What I Like:Intense action and constant change of view or mechanic
What I Don't Like:Controls sometimes unresponsive, poor performance on older iPhone 4
Final Statement:With sass and a blast, Ms. Splosion Man will keep you coming back
• The “prettiest” platformer on mobile devices
• Native support for 4 inch Retina Displays and The New iPad
• 3D character-driven title loaded with personality, animation, humor and a crazy FMV ending!
• Easy left-right-tap controls with challenging, fast paced puzzles
• 50 levels with big splosions and 4 huge boss battles
• Physics-based gameplay mechanics
• Introducing 6 powerups like Nuclear Sploding and Sonic Speed
• Race against ghost replays
• Visit 3 exotic locations
• Introducing 1,500 challenges to complete and earn Fame
• Morph target facial animation
• AirPlay support for playing on larger displays
• Localized for 9 languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, European Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, and Traditional Chinese
This is Twisted Pixel’s first mobile game and we want to be one of the most supportive developers out there. Tell us about bugs so that we can fix them quickly at and!
- Ms. Splosion Man – Review
- Ms. Splosion Man – Review
- Ms. Splosion Man – Review
Article By Nathan Kline
Nathan has been an avid Apple user and advocate since the days of the Apple ][. He has always sought to find new ways to make use of technology to assist his daily life. As a paramedic in southern California Nathan brings his familiarity with technology to the field, and at he brings his critical thinking to he analysis of apps and news. You has also written app reviews for the mobile app site
nathan-kline has written 110 awesome app reviews.