Noteledge for iPad Review – An old-fashioned stationery feel for a top journal app
App Type: Uncategorized

Our rating:
By: Kdan Mobile
Version #: 1.3.2
Date Released: 2012-04-19
Developer: Kdan Mobile
Price: 1.99
User Rating:Noteledge for iPad. Yet another writing app? No! Noteledge is not just another fancy writing app, but more like a free-form sketchbook. After seeing the “emptyness” of the much-hyped Paper by Fifty-Three, Noteledge is a real wonder. Because it is so full featured that you are unlikely to miss anything from it.
Noteledge comes from the same developers as Animation Desk, an app we have reviewed twice (the second review was done because they had such an awesome update it deserved a new review!,) and it shows. I can imagine Noteledge developers looking at their iPads and thinking Well, Animation Desk is way too cool, let’s pick the same tools and turn it into a sketch app. And they did, the result is here with Noteledge.
What can you do with the app? Noteledge is a “memories book” sort-off app. You have several notebooks, and you can do lots of things to their empty pages… Like drawing or writing freehand with the provided tools (waterbrush, widebrush, pencil, crayon, chinese brush) choosing a color from the palette, and setting any opacity or size you’d fancy. But you can also type with your keyboard, placing post-it look-alike notes anywhere in the page, or just filling it with your prose (or whatever). Aaand here comes the cool stuff, you can add audio clips to the page, video and photos. If you are the happy owner of an iPad 2 (or New iPad) I’m sure this sounds awesome, for now I have to be happy with audio recording only!
Files are sorted chronollogically, so you can create your own personal diary and can be exported as PDF, saved to the photo gallery, shared in Facebook or sent as email. And Noteledge also has a wide array of cloud-superpowers, letting you save to Dropbox, iDisk,, GoogleDocs, as FTP or setting a local WebDAV server.
Oh, and I forgot to mention the user interface. How could I forget? Well, because Noteledge user interface is so natural you forget about it. Its goal is to look like old leatherbound stationery, much like Animation Desk aims to look like an old animation studio. I love the user interface of these two apps, although I’m sure there are users who prefer more minimal setups. I do not. Noteledge looks gorgeous.
Quick Take
Would I Buy Again:Yes
Learning Curve:Small
Who Is It For:Journal lovers
What I Like:The full range of features
What I Don't Like:Nothing so far
Final Statement:A full-featured journaling goodness
NoteLedge hits Overall Top 100 in more than 10 countries including United States, Japan and Canada. What’s more, NoteLedge was featured as “New and Noteworthy” in the App Stores of Japan, Australia, and New Zealand after first week released.
Testimonies from the reviewers are the greatest endorsements of NoteLedge:
“The navigator is something I have not seen in any other application whatsoever.”- Randy Williamson, iPhone life Magazine
“Forget about those boring note taking apps for iPad. They may let you type or write, but we bet they don’t do half the stuff that NoteLedge does.”- Valerie Lauer, The iPhone App Review
Article By ruben
Ruben Berenguel is finishing his PhD in Mathematics while writing in about being a 'geek of all trades'. He also happens to be the senior editor in the What's on iPhone network: any complaints go to him!
ruben has written 174 awesome app reviews.