PhotoGenic for iPhone Review
App Type: iPhone
Our rating:
By: Percipo Inc.
Version #: 1.5
Date Released:
Developer: By Percipo Inc.
Price: $0.99
User Rating:Are you sure that photo on your Facebook Profile is really the best look for you? Perhaps you are unaware that others are secretly judging you by a bad angle or a candid photo. Well fear no more, since Percipo Inc has come to the rescue with a self-proclaimed revolutionary app called PhotoGenic.
The idea behind PhotoGenic is that it scans your images and then, using an unspecified algorithm, lets you know how people would rate the the face from one to ten. The idea here is that you can not only find the best photo of yourself, but you can also compare yourself to photos that you find on google. Want to see how to rate with a celebrity? You simply look up the person in the built in browser and select the photo. You can then compare it to your own score. You can takes a photo directly from the app, select a photo from your library, or even grab one directly from Facebook.
While the creator of this app seems to take themselves very seriously, I would take the ratings with a grain of salt. One should not rely on the opinion of an iPhone app to validate one’s beauty. If, on the other hand, you see this as an entertaining distraction that you can use with friends to get a laugh, then I think you may have the right attitude. PhotoGenic can be had for a buck, but if you want to give it a try, there is a lite version that only allows google searches which should keep you entertained on your next bar night with friends.
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We rate this app 3.5 out of 5 stars.