Pimp Your Screen – Your Device Never Looked Cooler Before for iPhone, iPad Review
App Type: iPhone

Our rating:
By: MYW Productions
Version #: 1.3
Date Released:
Developer: By Apalon
Price: $0.99
User Rating:Remember back in the day when people were all still on Myspace? and pimping your page was all the rage? Quite a few fortunes were made selling code to pimp and personalize your ‘space’ and of course this trend has followed to smart phones.
There are literally hundreds of apps to choose from if you want to pimp your device, but as always it’s hard to find a really good one. And, to get to the point: Pimp your screen is a good one. It’s not free, and I guess that helps, and it’s also massively popular. With good reason. Usually these pimp-things are cheap and crappy. A couple of topless girls to set as a screen saver, that kind of stuff. Pimp your screen actually comes up with original and well designed screens and shelves and even some fun stuff to make your icons look more ‘you’ with icon skins (I hadn’t come across those before, personally, and I think they’re a nice touch).
All in all, this app does what it says on the box: it makes your smart phone different and more you. The designs are well thought through, not tacky and heap, and it’s dead easy to use.
We rate this app 4 out of 5 stars
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