Pixlr-o-matic for iPad, iPhone Review
App Type: iPhone

Our rating:
By: Autodesk
Version #: 1.1
Date Released:
Developer: By Autodesk Inc.
Price: Free
User Rating:I am a big Lomography fan, for those of you who don’t know about the lomo, or slow photo, movement: we take pictures with weird, plastic cameras to get those fun, old fashioned blurry effects that make a picture look like it’s from somewhere in the seventies.
However, Lomo is quite a lot of work, so anything that adds a bit of retro to a pic is okay by me!
Enter: the pixlr-o-matic app. The app started it’s life as a Chrome web app and has just recently made it’s way to iPhone and iPad. Once you open the app, you get to pick a picture from your camera, or your computer, or simply snap a new one. Then you get to pick from about 20 differnet filters, called ‘Agatha’ and ‘Tom’ and “Salomon’. Once you have picked your level of retro blurriness, you can even add a frame, so you can make it look like a Polaroid or a painting, etc. For now, it’s only available on iPhone, but the development team behind pixlr-o-matic has promised to get one for Android out soon.
Only downside? The resolution is too low to result in really beautiful pictures, but that seems to me to be something quite easily resolved in an update. All in all, great little app, very easy to use, hours of fun, good companion to hipstamatic, and did I mention that it’s free?
We rate this app 4 out of 5 stars
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