Rage of Bahamut Review – TCG to mobile devices
App Type: Uncategorized

Our rating:
By: (C)Cygames,inc
Version #: 1.8
Date Released: 2012-12-18
Developer: Mobage, Inc
Price: Free
User Rating:Gone are the days where you had to bring physical decks of cards and spread them out on a table or some flat surface to play with a physical opponent. Gone are the days where you had to worry about the theft of your most prized cards. With Rage of Bahamut, trading card games (TCG) have reached a new pinnacle where there are actually a huge number of real life players to interact with.
Boasting a gamer-ship of over 3 million, Rage of Bahamut isn’t one of those run of the mill card games that promises everything but ends up pitting you with squadrons of lame computer initiated opponents that are just so predictable. Here, you can play against real players as you advance the rankings of the game while improving your deck and becoming a better player.
As per most, if not all TCGs, Rage of Bahamut involves collecting and dueling with cards based on dragons and other mythological fantasy creatures. Despite being a virtual game, the developers have left no stoned unturned especially when it came to designing the individual cards. With an already seemingly limitless amount of cards to collect and new ones being added on a frequent basis, Rage of Bahamut showcases every single one of its majestic creatures with beautifully rendered artwork that truly brings out the majesty within each beast.
Game play involves the familiar turn based process, as well as collecting points and leveling up amongst other things. One interesting bit of the game though is how players can choose an allegiance to side with, which definitely spices the game up a lot.
A free app to download, I definitely recommend this to TCG fans. However, be prepared to fork out a few dollars for in-app purchases if you want to advance far in the game.
Quick Take
Would I Buy Again:Yes
Learning Curve:Moderate
Who Is It For:Fans of card games
What I Like:The complex nature of the game makes it thorough and in-depth
What I Don't Like:The need for in-app purchases to be successful against other players
Final Statement:I'd like the game to be fairer towards free-playing players
Over 3 million downloads worldwide and over 7000 ????? reviews.
“...Rage of Bahamut is one surprisingly cool CCG. It keeps things interesting by changing up the expected formula quite a bit and features some incredibly clever ideas. I’d say it’s definitely worth a look.” (148apps.com)
????? “I find myself checking my status on this game every 5 minutes or so! Love the battle system and the order system.”
?????“This game is really addictive and fun. It has a nice fantasy feel.”
?????“Really great game! There's a whole bunch of things to keep it entertaining like leveling up, trading, battle rankings, orders and other stuff!”
?Hundreds of stunning cards to collect with more cards constantly being added.
?Fast & easy battles on the go with stunning and alluring Anime characters.
?Daily updates to continue to expand your card deck.
?Live multiplayer action with an endless army of battle hungry foes.
?Quests and frequent events to claim your place in Rage of Bahamut history.
Be Human – Be Godly – Be Evil – Choose an allegiance to strive for control of your world!
? “My best advice is join an order early and get to know your members. You get an order bonus in player battles and bonuses to your realm cards when your order builds it. Plus, you can participate in events and earn powerful event-only cards.”
? “I found myself highly addicted to this fun TCG (Trading Card Game) app. As you level up, you spend points in your stats to either progress in the quest line more quickly, or to battle others more effectively. You can balance these stats if you choose, or specialize for various purposes.”
Connect with other players on Facebook at https://facebook.com/mobage.
Rage of Bahamut is powered by Mobage: the best, free, social game network.
Article By Eng Wei Jie
A water polo player from Singapore, Wei Jie devotes most of his time to training. However, when he's not occupied by water training or pushing himself in the gym, expect to see him squinting at his iPhone testing out new apps.
eng-wei-jie has written 308 awesome app reviews.