Ridiculous Fishing Review – A Tale of Redemption & Addicting Gameplay
App Type: Uncategorized

Our rating:
By: Vlambeer
Version #: 1.2.2
Date Released: 2013-08-06
Developer: Vlambeer
Price: 2.99
User Rating:Sometimes an amazing game is obvious. They come out with plenty of fanfare and have the polish and image that you would expect. They may blow away your expectations like Infinity Blade, or become the best selling app on the App Store like Angry Birds. Other times, an amazing game waltzes in quietly with a grace and subtlety that unfortunately causes it to go unnoticed by those that don’t have a keen eye on the App Store.
Vlambeer is a small time developer that has had some success with their previous titles, and while they have a loyal following, have never really reached anything that would qualify as limelight. I personally loved their Super Crate Box game and is holds a staple spots in my games folder. So I was luck enough to have a head up about their newest game, Ridiculous Fishing. Even still, I was not prepared for the epic journey of redemption and fun on the high waters of this simple fishing game.
Ridiculous Fishing is essentially a tilt and dodge game that has you diving a lure for the best chance of catching a valuable fish. The ridiculous part comes when you bring those fish to the surface. While you more pedestrian rednecks would be content with throwing dynamite into the water, our protagonist instead shoots his fish out of the air for cash. This may sound weird, but in fact, it is so much fun it makes me wonder why more games don’t do this. The absurdity mixed with the exhilaration of nailing every fish makes this game entertainment gold. You work hard to upgrade your line and lure to reach deeper depths where the more valuable fish lie. The weapon upgrades go from the usual suspects of shotguns and pistols, all the way up to orbital lasers, and even the historic blunderbuss.
This alone is enough to for a solid gaming experience and I would not have faulted Vlambeer for leaving it at that. Luckily for us They have wrapped this all around an engrossing story, that while told in a subtle way, is nonetheless emotionally rewarding at the end. Even that banter on the Twitter-esque Birdr keeps you coming back day after day and fills your friends timeline’s with your retweets.
It is no wonder that Apple has honored this game with the coveted Apple Design Award at this years WWDC. Vlambeer shows that even small time developers with minimal budgets can reach mass acceptance and success with games that connect with people and draw them in without pretension or guile. If you are not casting your reel in the home waters, or arctic floes, I highly suggest your get this game today.
Quick Take
Would I Buy Again:Yes
Learning Curve:Easy
Who Is It For:Fans of indie games and casual gamers
What I Like:Tons of fun and immersive gameplay
What I Don't Like:I can't find those ultra rare fish!
Final Statement:This game will drain your battery because you wont want to turn it off.
Follow Billy as he tries to find redemption from his uncertain past. Chase your destiny on the high seas and embark on a heroic quest for glory and gills.
* Hours of gameplay across the continents including a never-ending Infinite arcade world.
* Dozens of unlockables, weapons and items including popular fishing gear like the Most Expensive Hairdryer In The World and A Bowling Ball.
* Fish that become hats.
* No IAP - buy the game, play the game. No additional costs, no hidden fees. Even the hats are IAP-free.
* Fish that become hats.
Based on Vlambeers popular 2010 original, Ridiculous Fishing was lovingly handcrafted over the course of two years by Vlambeer (Super Crate Box), Zach Gage (Spelltower, Bit Pilot, Unify) and Greg Wohlwend (Hundreds, Solipskier, Gasketball).
- Ridiculous Fishing Review
- Ridiculous Fishing Review
- Ridiculous Fishing Review
Article By Nathan Kline
Nathan has been an avid Apple user and advocate since the days of the Apple ][. He has always sought to find new ways to make use of technology to assist his daily life. As a paramedic in southern California Nathan brings his familiarity with technology to the field, and at whatsoniphone.com he brings his critical thinking to he analysis of apps and news. You has also written app reviews for the mobile app site Smokinapps.com.
nathan-kline has written 110 awesome app reviews.