Robot Unicorn Attack – Review
App Type: Uncategorized

Our rating:
By: Adult Swim
Version #: 1.0
Date Released: 2010-06-04
Developer: Adult Swim
Price: 2.99
User Rating:Adult Swim does it again. They took several of the hopes and wishes of little girls throughout the ages and made a twisted video game around the concept. In this case, there are fairies, wishes and unicorns. Except the unicorn is a robot.
The game opens with the words "YOU WILL FAIL." I will explain this later.
The game is very big on twisting perceptions. You play a robot unicorn that has to run around this strange land floating in the middle of the air and jump around catching fairies. If you hit a giant metal star, you are destroyed. If you fall to the ground below, you are destroyed. If you hit any part of the floating lands that isn’t the top, you are destroyed. You have three lives (or wishes, as the game calls them) to try and gallop as far as possible.
The game itself is pretty easy to play. There are two buttons on the screen. The first is for jumping and the second is for a "rainbow attack’, which shoots your unicorn forward while leaving a trail of rainbows. Yes, really. There is an option menu to control music and sound effects plus the option of using either buttons or gestures as your controls.
The only thing I don’t get about the game is the ending. You’re supposed to gallop as far as possible to achieve a high score, but there is no finish line or levels or anything else to indicate accomplishment (save the distance for which you successfully travel without dying). Then I remember the beginning words of the game, "YOU WILL FAIL", and I get it. Like life, you travel as far as you can but in the end you will be destroyed.
Its a clever game from Adult Swim, and if you’re up for something a little different, it’s worth the $2.99.
Quick Take
Would I Buy Again:Most likely. I have a thing for Adult Swim games.
Learning Curve:Low.
Who Is It For:Little girls that like robots.
What I Like:A fun and ironic game.
What I Don't Like:It would be nice if the game actually ended with something other than dying. I feel that way about life too.
Final Statement:If you find a unicorn's head in your bed, you know where it came from.
Robot Unicorn Attack features full Facebook integration and lots and lots of rainbows.