Sorted Review – Lists, justs lists and nothing more than lists
App Type: Uncategorized

Our rating:
By: Savage Interactive
Version #: 2.02
Date Released: 2011-10-11
Developer: Savage Interactive
Price: 0.99
User Rating:

Do you like drawing in your iPad? If you do, you probably know the other best-selling app from the creators of Sorted, Procreate. Sorted was their first app, in fact, it was one of the first iPad apps in the app store! They developed it without having access to an iPad. Which I find awesome.
Sorted2 is the newest version of Sorted (before they get to Sorted3 for iOS5), and is a universal app both for iPhone and iPad. I use it in my iPhone, and I miss a feature that is coming (unless the developers cheated me :), sharing tasks among devices. Enough talking, what is Sorted? Sorted is a task management app, based on lists. Which then you sort. And I love. Why?
Sorted is aestethically pleasing, with smooth animations and a full assortment of pastel colours for the task priorities. Their UI is awesome: adding a task is plain easy, modifying a task is simple. And you can email your tasks. Oddly enough, the developers don’t like Sorted2 as much as they liked Sorted… I don’t know why! I wonder how good will be the next version.
There is almost nothing I have disliked about the app after 2 weeks using it, maybe the “repeat task” is not as I expected, I wanted tasks to be repeated after being marked as done, but looks like repeat is just repeating the alarm, like a reminder for “clean the cellar” which needs to be done on September and you’ll be reminded daily until you finish.
The developers are about to unleash sharing tasks among your devices, prior to Sorted3, which probably will be a free upgrade for Sorted2 users. Go grab your copy of Sorted2 now, for its current price is a bargain!
Quick Take
Would I Buy Again:Yes
Learning Curve:Low
Who Is It For:Compulsive to-do list makers
What I Like:Simplicity, design
What I Don't Like:I miss some exporting and importing features
Final Statement:A quite good and stylish to-do app
Sorted 2 is an elegant and simple to-do app, designed to help you sort your everyday tasks. Unlike many other task-oriented apps out there, Sorted 2 gets out of your way and lets you focus on what you need to do. You'll spend less time managing the app and more time focusing on the task at hand.
• Simple and intuitive interface
• Set and Forget™ with alarms
• Set due dates and repeating tasks
• Assign and customise priority status
• Swipe to complete an item
• Auto sort by priority, due date or completed
• Manual reordering of tasks
• Simple list browsing
• Email your tasks to anyone
• Built on core data for speed
• Universal build
Article By ruben
Ruben Berenguel is finishing his PhD in Mathematics while writing in about being a 'geek of all trades'. He also happens to be the senior editor in the What's on iPhone network: any complaints go to him!
ruben has written 174 awesome app reviews.
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