Stick Tennis for Android – Review
App Type: Android

Our rating:
By: Stick Sports Ltd
Version #: 1.1.1
Date Released:
Price: 0
User Rating:Simplicity is beauty. I don’t exactly know who said that, but the phrase seems befitting of many of the most popular Android games. The same can be said of Stick Tennis, a game which conveniently automates all your player’s movement so you can essentially just focus on hitting the damn ball.
In principle, this is a great idea. Moving players around manually in a handheld Tennis game can be a tricky business, and cutting this out lets you focus on the kind of shot you want to play back. Simply swipe in the direction you want the ball to go, and it will go there. You do have to watch your timing though, as early or late shots will end up in the net, out, or setting your opponent up for a power shot.
In terms of the automated movement however, there is a little bit to be desired. Sometimes your player will make a madman’s run towards the net when he clearly shouldn’t, or positions himself just out of reach of the ball. As such, there will be times where you can legitimately feel frustrated at the lack of control you have in the game.
There are plenty of game modes in Stick Tennis. There is a training mode where you can play opponents of varying difficulties while keeping an eye on the timing bar to fine-tune your shots; a World Domination mode where you can play against the biggest names in Tennis; as well as replicas of all the Grand Slam tournaments. There is even a daily challenge mode, where each day you can compete in a new Tennis scenario based on a real match.
Stick Tennis is an incredibly fast-paced game, and at times you’ll find that your little stick avatar just can’t keep up. You do get used to it though, and from then on it becomes an engaging little game.
There are a couple of gameplay flaws, and a multiplayer mode really would have made this a complete package, but Stick Tennis remains one of the most appealing free games to have emerged on Google Play in recent times.
We rate this app 3.5 out of 5 stars.
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