Name: Privates!
Version: 1.2
Category: Apps, iPhone Apps
Date: 2016-04-18
Price: free
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True to their word, the first batch of Apple’s HomeKit compatible accessories has been released. Just last month we heard of the possibility of Apple releasing the much awaited HomeKit accessories in June and they have not disappointed. For those of you who might be hearing of Apple’s HomeKit for the first time, then you […]
Remember Canary, the home monitoring device whose Indiegogo campaign went through the roof with close to 2 million in funding? They have finally delivered on their promises as Canary hits the shelves today, for $249. So why is Canary so popular? Canary is basically a stylish looking 6 inch high device packed with a HD […]
Smart devices started getting a lot of limelight in the past few months, thanks to Apple’s smart home concept and the HomeKit SDK. But even before this developer kit was announced, there were pioneer smart device makers who thought ahead and made some great iPhone controlled home appliances. Many of them are gaining momentum now […]