Name: Privates!
Version: 1.2
Category: Apps, iPhone Apps
Date: 2016-04-18
Price: free
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This tutorial is written by Simon Thompson, creator of the new iOS developer resource www.iosdeveloperguide.com Tweeting from within your app has become significantly easier to implement with the release of iOS5. In the past you had the choice of writing your own Twitter integration library or using a third-party library, which could be time-consuming and confusing. […]
Hello again, today we will learn about UITableViews and NSArrays, but before we start I need everyone who reads these tutorials to vote on the poll below, since it will determine how the next tutorials will be presented. Since Apple released the new version of Xcode (Xcode 4) I need to know whether we should […]
Although it seems very Cliché, our first iPhone app will be a Hello World program. Mostly everyone starts out programming with a Hello World exercise, so let’s not stray from the group since it seems they are doing well… As we go through this series I will explain concepts like Objective-C (the programming language iOS apps […]