Name: Privates!
Version: 1.2
Category: Apps, iPhone Apps
Date: 2016-04-18
Price: free
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Did I See U - Free Dating App
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Once again the week is coming to an end and that means it’s time for a roundup of the past weeks news! Amazon Just Fired A Missile At Apple’s iTunes Business – Amazon announced a new initiative that it hopes will threaten Apple’s iTunes business. Amazon is launching an HTML MP3 web store that’s made for Apple […]
If you have upgraded to iOS 6.1 beta and you own an A4 device, then we have a good news for you – RedSn0w 0.9.15b3 works for all devices running A4 or earlier. This means it’s good for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch 4G .
Since I first got my new Retina iPad I have been testing different apps that allow the iPad to be used as a second screen (or in my case a third screen) after having tried several different apps I really liked Avatron’s Air Display. Those unfamiliar with the app, it basically turns your iPhone or iPad […]
Once again the week is coming to an end and that means it’s time for a roundup of the past weeks news! Apple Responds To Request To Make Apple TV, Bonjour Work Better For Higher Education – A coalition of higher education IT folks petitioned Apple last August to make Bonjour, AirPlay, and AirPrint work better […]
Once again the week is coming to an end and that means it’s time for a roundup of the past weeks news! iPod Nano, Just Out In Stores, Already Has A Software Update – The just-released seventh generation iPod nano has just started being seen in stores and shipping from online pre-orders, but it already has a […]
While it seems Apple missed the mark with their new Map App, the guys at FutureTap have already solved all these problems with their update to their extremely popular Where To? bringing it to version 5.2 In a nutshell: – App Update: Where To? 5.2 – Local search app for iPhone and iPod touch – […]
During todays event Apple unveiled not only an updated iPhone but also updates to all three iPod Lineups! Apple has reinvented the iPod nano. The seventh-generation model is far from the older nano which bore a striking resemblance with the iPod shuffle. The iPod nano is 5.4 mm thick, 38 percent thinner than the previous […]
The other day a friend of mine asked me how he could find the UDID for his new iPhone 4. Therefore I have decided to compile this quick How-To Guide. The UDID number is a 40-digit sequence of letters and numbers, associated with every iPhone and iPod touch device, it is really easy to find if you know how to. […]
Apple continues the “If you don’t have an iPhone” TV Ad campaign. Sometime today, Apple released the commercials regarding iPod + iTunes features on iPhone which are not available on other smart phones. Apple – iPhone 4 – TV Ad – iPod + iTunes If you don’t have an iPhone, you don’t have an iPod […]