Name: Privates!
Version: 1.2
Category: Apps, iPhone Apps
Date: 2016-04-18
Price: free
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Hi, did you get such error while creating custom ipsw using sn0wbreeze? After creating IPSW file, sn0wbreeze pops out an alert (if you notice): “Hi There! Please note that this jailbreak is tethered! use iBooty located on your desktop, to boot your iDevice!” and followed by windows error alert: sn0wbreeze has stopped working Windows can […]
Download sn0wbreeze-v2.3b3.zip sn0wbreeze v2.3 beta 3 released and added fix for 4th Generation iPod touch users who were having issues using iBooty apart from 2.3b3 updates Changelog: sn0wbreeze 2.3b3 – Details Adds Multitasking Gestures option in Settings App. iBooty bug fixes (Includes iBSS issues). iBooty is EVEN faster. MobileSubstrate is now working. Sleep bug in […]
How-to Jailbreak iOS 4.3 using sn0wbreeze 2.3b2 (Tethered) iH8sn0w just released sn0wbreeze version 2.3 beta 2 to jailbreak iOS 4.3. It supports iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 4G, iPod Touch 3G and iPad 1. Important notes about sn0wbreeze 2.3b2: *THIS IS REALLY ONLY FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT IT.* sn0wbreeze 2.3b2 – Details: Adds Multitasking […]
Are you still having tethered jailbreak on iOS 4.3? You can update to 4.3.1 and jailbreak using sn0wbreeze 2.5.1, jailbreak using redsn0w 0.9.6 RC12, or jailbreak using PwnageTool 4.3 instead. iBooty v2.1 is automatically generated by sn0wbreeze jailbreak tool while it is doing its job building a custom IPSW firmware file. It should be located […]
Changelog: sn0wbreeze 2.3b2 – Details Adds Multitasking Gestures option in Settings App. iBooty bug fixes (Includes iBSS issues). iBooty is EVEN faster. MobileSubstrate is now working. Sleep bug in iPod Touches is fixed. Rare iPad 1G issues resolved. Added iREB to top bar for future re-runs within sn0wbreeze. ultrasn0w is STILL broken! Unlockers STAY AWAY! […]
Are you still having tethered jailbreak on iOS 4.3? You can update to 4.3.1 and jailbreak using sn0wbreeze 2.5.1, jailbreak using redsn0w 0.9.6 RC12, or jailbreak using PwnageTool 4.3 instead. How-to use iBooty-for-4.3 to start tethered jailbreak device (iPhone, iPad, or iPod). If you were using sn0wbreeze 2.3b1 to jailbreak iOS 4.3, it generated iBooty-for-4.3 […]
Are you still having tethered jailbreak on iOS 4.3? You can update to 4.3.1 and jailbreak using sn0wbreeze 2.5.1, jailbreak using redsn0w 0.9.6 RC12, or jailbreak using PwnageTool 4.3 instead. iBooty v2.0 is automatically generated by sn0wbreeze jailbreak tool while it is doing its job building a custom IPSW firmware file. It should be located […]
Are you still having tethered jailbreak on iOS 4.3? You can update to 4.3.1 and jailbreak using sn0wbreeze 2.5.1, jailbreak using redsn0w 0.9.6 RC12, or jailbreak using PwnageTool 4.3 instead. iBooty-for-4.3 is automatically generated by sn0wbreeze jailbreak tool while it is doing its job building a custom IPSW firmware file. It should be located on […]
How-to Jailbreak iOS 4.3 using sn0wbreeze 2.3b1 (Tethered) iH8sn0w just released sn0wbreeze version 2.3 beta 1 to jailbreak iOS 4.3. It supports iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch 4G, iPod Touch 3G and iPad 1. Important notes about sn0wbreeze 2.3b1: *THIS IS REALLY ONLY FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT IT.* This is Tethered via iBooty. Mobile […]
It’s only 3 days since iPad 2 is officially sold by Apple, a Dev-team member, chpwn shown his jailbroken iPad 2 photo via Twitter. iPhone Dev-team officially tweeted: Congrats to @comex for jailbreaking yet another brand new device (iPad2) while 2500 miles away from it! Video: Cyida on iPad 2 Comex is well known Dev-Team […]