Name: Privates!
Version: 1.2
Category: Apps, iPhone Apps
Date: 2016-04-18
Price: free
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What is sn0wbreeze? sn0wbreeze is a tool for Windows® that will jailbreak your iPods, iPads, iPhones! Setup custom boot logos, activate your iPhone, set a root partition size, build custom firmware, install SSH, and more! Devices Supported by sn0wbreeze (mostly): iPad iPhone 3G iPhone 3G[S] (old bootrom & new bootrom) iPhone 4 iPod Touch 2G […]
Chronic Dev-Team recently updated the greenpois0n jailbreak tool to RC6.1 and includes patch for iBook fix. Most greenpois0n Jailbreakers, who attempted to open ebooks purchased from the iBook store were prompted with an error message: There is a problem with the configuration of your iPhone. Please restore with iTunes and reinstall iBooks. Of course it […]
There is a problem with the configuration of your iPhone. Please restore with iTunes and reinstall iBooks. Did you get this error when opening any iTunes store ebook using iBooks app? If you have jailbroken device (iPhone, iPad, iPod) and getting this error when you are trying to open DRM protected books from iTunes store, […]
Also read: Top 10 Must Have Cydia Tweaks for iPhone, iPad, iPod touch What is sn0wbreeze? sn0wbreeze is a tool for Windows¬Æ that will jailbreak your iPods, iPads, iPhones! Setup custom boot logos, activate your iPhone, set a root partition size, build custom firmware, install SSH, and more! Devices Supported by sn0wbreeeze (mostly): iPad iPhone […]
This tutorial will guide you How-to Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 Untethered using PwnageTool 4.2 PwnageTool 4.2 has released. It does support hacktivation, also untethered jailbreak tool. PwnageTool 4.2 is only available for Mac, not available for Windows. Requirements: please download these files: Download PwnageTool 4.2 Download iTunes 10.1.2 for Mac Download iOS 4.2.1 firmware (IPSW file) […]
PwnageTool 4.2 is an untethered jailbreak tool for iOS 4.2.1. It will also hacktivate your iPhone, very helpful for iPhone users which using unofficial carrier, also fixes problem regarding unofficial sim card like this one The SIM card inserted in this iPhone does not appear to be supported. The previously released PwnageTool is tethered jailbreak, […]
Download PwnageTool_4.2.dmg Direct Link from iPhoners.org As today Dev-team released PwnageTool 4.2, the direct download links for PwnageTool_4.2.dmg are widely available. Dev-team release PwnageTool_4.2 includes Chronic Dev-team 4.2.1 untethered jailbreak and comex iBooks fix today. Well in the case of an HFS volume name on iOS, an untether exploit ‚Äî as the Chronic Dev Team […]
greenpois0n RC5_4 (RC5 Beta 4) is released due to jailbreak support for iPhone 4 Verizon Wireless. Please use greenpois0n RC5.4 version to jailbreak your Verizon iPhone instead greenpois0n RC5 first release or RC5 beta 2 . You can download greenpois0n from https://greenpois0n.com/ Read more details about greenpois0n RC5. Read the guide: “How-to Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 […]
Once you have completed Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 Untethered using GreenPois0n RC5, you might asking yourself “Where is Cydia”? “How-to install Cydia after jailbreak iPhone using greenpois0n on iOS 4.2.1?” Once you completed jailbreak using greenpois0n RC5.2, you will see Loader app on iPhone. The Loader app could be blank icon as well. How-to Install Cydia […]
As posted earlier that greenpois0n RC5 for Windows will be released soon within 1 – 2 day. You can download greenpois0n RC5_b2 for Windows today. greenpoison RC5 for Windows released Saturday night. Direct download link for greenpois0n RC5_b2: