Name: Privates!
Version: 1.2
Category: Apps, iPhone Apps
Date: 2016-04-18
Price: free
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Friday night, p0sixninja just announces that greenpois0n RC5 for Windows will be released by tomorrow or the next day. It means that it should be out this weekend. Site issues should be better soon thanks to @iOPK. Windows version should be out tomorrow or the next day Click here to download greenpois0n for Windows (link […]
greenpois0n RC5_2 is released due to alot “GreenPois0n Initialized” problems which faced by jailbreak community. Please use this updated greenpois0n RC5 version instead greenpois0n RC5 first release. You can download greenpois0n from https://greenpois0n.com/ MIRROR: Download greenpois0n-osx_rc5_2.zip Read more details about greenpois0n RC5.
How-to Jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 by using GreenPois0n RC5 What is greenpois0n? It’s another jailbreak tool created by Chronic Dev-Team. Greenpois0n can be used to jailbreak iOS 4.2.1 untethered. Greenpois0n doesn’t support hacktivation. Greenpois0n RC5 supports iPhone 4, 3GS (any bootrom), iPod Touch 4G, 3G, 2G (any bootrom) and iPad. If you previously jailbreak using redsn0w, […]
greenpois0n RC5 is out. You can download greenpois0n RC5 now. The Chronic Dev-Team has just released the latest version of Greenpois0n, which features an untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 without the need for SHSH blobs. The exploit they are using has already been patched in iOS 4.3. It’s currently GreenPois0n RC5 Mac version, GreenPois0n RC5 […]
greenpois0n RC5 for Mac has been released. You can download greenpois0n from https://greenpois0n.com/ OR You can download greenpois0n from Download greenpois0n RC5 Mac version from iPhoners.org as well (MIRROR). If you have greenpois0n decompression issue, download greenpois0n from this mirror: Download greenpois0n without decompression error. It’s currently only available for Mac, Windows version will be […]
If you do not know what ECID SHSH blobs is, please read this first: What is ECID SHSH. This tutorial will guide you how to save ECID SHSH Blobs (we will call it SHSH Blobs) by using Cydia. First of all, you have to jailbreak the iPhone and install cydia on iPhone.
What is Untethered Jailbreak Untethered jailbreak is the opposite of tethered jailbreak. While tethered jailbreak needs a computer to run the program in order to start the iDevice normally, untethered jailbreak doesn’t need it. Once you have jailbreak the iDevice with untethered jailbreak, you can use it like a normal one without any difficulty as […]
What is Tethered Jailbreak? Tethered jailbreak is a jailbreak which need a computer everytime your iDevice reboots. Why do you need computer? Because you have to run a program which created to turn-on your iDevice again. You will need to do this everytime the iDevice restarted (after install app), powered off, or when your iDevice […]
Did you get “greenpois0n.exe has stopped working” alert when you are trying to jailbreak iPhone using greenpois0n on Windows 7 or Windows Vista?